Sunday, September 30, 2007


Some of you may not know that I am a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Well, I am, and I am not a happy one...the game I just finished watching where they played against Arizona was possibly one of the most pathetic attempts at Defense on the Steelers' behalf I have possibly ever seen. After Palomalu left, everything fell apart. Combine that with some absolutely trash offensive drives by Roethlesburger & Parker and what you get is a loss like what they just suffered. Why the heck did Troy Palomalu leave so early? If he was injured, why was he pacing on the side lines with his helmet on half the time? And, finally, why does the Steelers have so many players with funny last names that I don't quite know how to spell?

Thankfully, they didn't thoroughly embarrass themselves, and manage to close their loss to only a 7 point difference.

Anyway, back to my regularly scheduled Geology lab...


Snoyarc said...

It's amazing what some people find important in life... hehe

Just think, had I been there, I'd probably have cheered against you and added an irritation to the humiliation.

Hugs & Love

David said...

It's not THAT important. I actually don't care too much if Pittsburgh loses- I just hate it when the team I love so much gets totally steamrolled when they are supposed to be among the best defenses in the NFL. I was so mad when they let the Cardinals get that 3rd touchdown...not because they were losing, but because they were absolutely pathetic, and it bugged me to watch them fall apart like that.

If you can't win, at least go down with your guns blazing. Thankfully, they did that and almost tied the game up.