Wednesday, September 12, 2007


So far this week, I have been to two concerts and plan on going to two more by next Monday...

The first was a Christian hard rock band called The Giants of Silence, who came all the way out from Indiana to rock out for Campus Crusade...they didn't have whole lot of people, and the crowd was kinda subdued, but they rocked out anyway and it was fun to watch them play and listen to them.

The second was last night at a bar called the East End Cafe. What a misleading name. Anyway, a guy in my Chinese class plays bass and backup vocals for his band...they play stuff along the lines of Green Day, The Ramones, etc. They were fun to listen to, and actually I just sat there by the stage and did Chinese homework the whole time, bobbing my head. The environment wasn't awesome, but they played very well anyway.

The next one will be this Friday, a Christian artist named Jeremy Riddle will be playing at the Vinyard Fellowship Church (formerly called Newark Christian Fellowship). Finally, there is a concert I'm going to next Monday, at the brandywine library...some dude who's good at playing guitar, I've heard, so I gotta come and see.

Rock and Roll!


Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm so jealous! I attended Newark Christian Fellowship when we lived in Delaware. I miss everyone so much!! Wish I could go.

David said...

My parents used to go there when they were still together. Then they divorced, my dad got tossed out (more or less), and we went there for a while and then started going to other churches. I was there once when the pastor of the Vinyard church that we were going to went there to start talking to them about their church becoming a Vinyard Church, which it is today.

That probably sounded complicated, but church-hopping usually is.

Anonymous said...

what are your parent's names?

David said...

Jim and Karen.

Anonymous said... did you guys go there when it was the Barn? I started going to the Barn in 93 (when Bruce was doing the Barn and Neil was doing Girls Inc) and then moved and went to a church in Milford that was birthed out of NCF called Williamsville Christian Fellowship (it was pastored by Bob Muncy..still is but church is called something else now). Then when I got married and we moved back to New Castle county..I attended NCF at Girl's Inc.

Anonymous said...

Wait..did your parents live off of Limestone road?

David said...

We were going there when my parents were married until they divorced when either in 93 or 92. Dad stopped going and my mom and I continued to go while they were at Girls Inc. Then we went to the Barn for a while after the Girls inc. Thing fell through and they renovated the Barn to hold more people. But it's weird, because I only remember going back to the renovated barn around the time we went to BRV (Blue Route Vineyard).

My parents lived in Brookview apartments in Claymont while they were together.

Anonymous said...

Small world! Do you know Rachel Coates? The Websters? I used to live with the Websters when I was single...actually when Pheobe was born I lived that tells you how long ago. I'm surprised you take the stand you do about tongues ...coming from such a "spirit filled " background.

David said...

Or perhaps I am open minded enough not to let my background define me. I don't remember being close to anyone at the church, really. I was a reclusive person as a kid, and in some ways still am. My mother would know people, not me. I was too young to bother to remember names.

I have heard and seen enough about the way that church is to conclude they were not acting in a right way. But I do not go there now, so maybe things have changed since they have been assimilated into the Vineyard movement.

A friend of mine named Brian Feister goes there now. Interestingly, there are still echoes of my parent's divorce there. It seems that their divorce is on the list of "worst moments for the church" (i.e. they are saddened by it and wish it never happened) that every church seems to have.

My friend Brian, after I told him the story of my parent's divorce, said that Bruce had briefly mentioned a story that sounded similar (in only one sentence, without names or details). So it is at least good to know that they recognize the significance of the event, even after all this time. It is a shame, however, that they did not do the right thing and follow up with my dad (to my knowledge). I don't think they have ever asked about him, though I think it's because they are afraid to know the truth.

But that is all water under the bridge, I suppose.