Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Let God Invade Your World

You know, my experiences in the past few weeks academically have really thrown me for a loop. As damage control, I tried my best to put my "spiritual life" in a different category from my "academic or 'real' life", so that my personal problems wouldn't affect my ministry work.

No wonder I've been so messed up this past month!

One thing that seems to happen to me and I am sure happens to some of you is that we let the world invade our "spiritual life", our relationship with God. Or, if we can see that will be a problem, we separate God from our "real world" to avoid letting bad things leech into our spiritual life and as a result don't let Him out to change things.

We should be doing the reverse. I should be letting my relationship with GOD invade my world. When I feel stupid as I'm beating my head against Geology lab work, I should let the truth of how much I am loved and valued drive out dark thoughts of inferiority. When I feel overwhelmed as I try to juggle an endless onslaught of Chinese homework with imposing Geology labs, work study, ministry, and Lord knows what else, I need to let my knowledge that God will care for me as he cares for the sparrows invade my life. When I feel lonely, I need to let the knowledge that I am loved by the Most High invade my heart.

We KNOW so many things about what God thinks about does, and does for us. But to we take it to HEART? Do we let it come true in our lives?

I try so hard to fight back against problems. But this much is true: The battle is the Lord's. It's time to let the Lord fight back for me. I want God to invade my life completely. Will you let him invade yours?


Snoyarc said...

My little boy is growing into a man... I'm so proud.

Seriously, it's sometimes a lot harder to do than it should be, especially since it means a loss of control, but it's worth it.

Praying for you as always.

Hugs & Love

Paula said...

Why did you take Chinese again?

I still think you need to just suck it up and go to law school. I could get you a rockin' internship and possibly a great job afterwards! You wouldn't even have to move down south, I have connections at some hot Philly firms.

David said...

I think I would rather eat a bag of sand than be a lawyer or study to be one. No thanks. As much of a pain in the ass as Geology can be, I am starting to be interested in it. And whatever difficulty studying for Geology is going to give me, studying Law and for the BAR and all that nonsense will do double. Misery loves company, Paula.

I took Chinese because I love the culture, find the language different and challenging, and have had several Chinese friends over the course of my life.

And because I can now say things like "I eat children for breakfast" in Chinese. Can you claim such an awesome skill? Didn' thnk so ;).

Anonymous said...

Hey David!
I think you taking Chinese is awesome! I have in the past year and a half made a lot of Filipino friends and am around their kids in middle school. I am teaching myself (with a really good book) Tagalog. When you love the people and have a heart for the culture it's enough drive to get you through it. Rock on, dude.

Oh, and last year my family was invited to a party where we were the only Americans. Our closest Filipino friends tried to teach my husband how to say "Bowel u mehe dito" which means "You can't pee here." They thought it would be funny in a party trick kind of husband kept saying "Babaloo hit me a hippo." Which got just as many laughs.
It's difficult because they put their predicates before their subjects and many of their words have several different meanings depending on where you put the stress in the word...but I am pressing through and determined. I will think of you and pray for you as I am praying through this.