Saturday, September 22, 2007

Another Lesson in Humility

Consider me thoroughly chastened.

I need to take a serious look at how I react to people, and a good dose of humility is in order. Apparently, what I desire (love), and what I am capable giving of are two monumentally different things.

You all have my formal, no-BS apology. I am sorry for any emotional distress or wasted time my comments have incurred. I have recently been...enlightened...that I am apparently one heck of a "Type A" personality who does not like to be wrong and who does not seem to be capable of communicating in a right way. So I am sorry for my inability to properly communicate what I mean.

One thing God keeps telling me that I really, really don't like:

"Get used to being on the receiving end of Grace. A lot. Because you say dumb stuff that makes people angry, which due to the fact that you love me, means you eventually feel convicted about it and either have to humble yourself or destroy your relationship with that person, and since you care about people (because you care about my command to love people), you have to humble yourself, and when you humble yourself, you are putting yourself in a position where you are relying on the other person's ability to dispense Grace from Me."

And there's no arguing with God.


Snoyarc said...


You have never given me more than I have bargained for, I am honored that you trust me enough to give me your deepest concerns, problems, joys, and achievements to either work through them with you, be a comforting shoulder, or rejoice with you. I'm glad you know that when I ask "how are you?" that I want the truth, and I'm humbled that you feel I'm someone worth trusting.

Hugs & Love... always

Anonymous said...

I have found that "I'm just not going to talk about that right now." is a perfectly acceptable answer. People don't have to like it but it allows you to excercise reasonable boundaries while not having to lie or politely dance around the truth. I will admit that it sometimes takes people off guard but they tend to respect my honesty. far as the criticism/compliment stuff goes..sometimes God convicts people or they just make it a personal goal to be more encouraging to speak words of life. When you start something new you are rarely great at it so practice is necessary. So..sometimes the crappy compliments might be someone trying to come out of their comfort zone and be obedient. Tolerance is a beautiful thing.(not of sin, of course..but of people and their quirks)