Sunday, September 9, 2007

Living Up To My Imaginary Image

Well, I played my second gig at SNA tonight...I played electric guitar publicly for the first time, and it went pretty well, except that I rock out so hard that my string broke and I had to drop out 2/3 of the way through the show. What can I say? It was probably good anyway, 'cause I was totally showing Brian up...naw, I'm totally messin', if you're reading this Brian, you rock man. There's no way we could run SNA without you (or Liz)!

I'll have to post a picture of Brian and/or Liz some time. Both kinda came out of the blue this summer, and have been instrumental in keeping SNA afloat for the past few months. I am immensely thankful for their input, insight, and efforts in this service, and couldn't possibly overstate their part in it (and wouldn't dare understate it). You both are truly a blessing, and help make it a joy to serve the Lord and His people in worship.

Some Proverbs seem apt:

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." 17:17
"The pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel" 27:9

1 comment:

Snoyarc said...

Perhaps you should change from "a rock star in your head" to "rockin for Jesus"... yeah, I think that works.

Hugs & Love