Monday, September 24, 2007

Like a Diamond

I am not clay. Far from it. I am diamond. Formed under unimaginable pressure and made of that which is as common as charred firewood and ash or your very exhaling breath. Like a diamond, I am filled with fire at my core that emanates out. And, like I diamond, I am transparent, and people can see right through me. And, like a diamond, I am without value, even for saw blades, unless I am cut in the right way.

When God shapes me, it isn't like a potter shaping clay, but a jeweler cutting a diamond, the hardest substance known to man. Because I am a stubborn man who does change shape easily. The good news, though, is that like a diamond, I do not lose my shape once I am cut. I do not take steps backwards and be what I was. I do not break under pressure (except that which God applies, which can crush anything). I do not lose my loyalty when I have been shaped. And I am being shaped by the greatest jeweler there ever was.

1 comment:

Snoyarc said...

HUGS & Love... you know why.