Friday, May 2, 2008

The Florida Outpouring

I recently returned from an incredible experience of the revival that's going on in Lakeland, FL. There have been many healings and when I went down there with my holy family, it really was an incredible experience, and the Lord really helped to break off a lot of things within me. You the revival has grown from a single church called Ignite Church to a larger church (they couldn't contain the people there) to the city's convention center, and soon it is possible that this will expand into a stadium. This revival has reached globally through the service of God TV and is really an awesome thing. The services are every day from 7-11 PM, and you can watch on or you can go to Todd Bentley's website and follow the links to watch the revival breaking out there. This isn't televangelist nonsense, this isn't "charismania" shenanigans, this is the real presence of God, working mightily on this earth through his servant Todd and many others who have done the work of the Lord and are open to be used by Him.

1 comment:

David said...

"It's NOT NATURAL for you to not have an appetite for who God created you to be. It's not natural. I know some people who are just like 'eh, that signs and wonders stuff just isn't for me.' How can we not have an appetite? It's who Jesus was. What would Jesus do? Preaching, teaching, and healing every sickness and every disease. What would Jesus do? Cast out devils and heal the cripple."

-Todd Bentley