Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Daughters of the Lord

I am a man of little experience. This past year, I have had more experience with women than ever before.

In my experience, I have been surprised by something. I have learned that they, like me, have the same fears, but merely show them in different ways. I have learned that they, like me, can be stubborn and unwilling to accept grace. I have also learned that they can be wise, discerning, faithful, honest, good natured, patient, and full of the Holy Spirit. I have found that, in my sight, women are not that different from men. We all have the same needs. We all need love. We all need joy. The only difference lies in how we display our desires for them, and how we go about getting them.

I have been utterly blessed by your presence, and it is my hope that we (men) are a blessing to you. That is what I aspire to, and what I hope my Brothers in Christ who are with me aspire to. I want to thank the Sisters of Christ that I have in my life, who have shone the light of Christ in a brilliant display to me. Every night now for the past week, I have prayed "that I will be worthy of your daughters, Lord." That is not merely said for the pursuit of romance, but to be worthy of the precious few friends of mine who are women, to be worthy of the fellowship of those with whom I serve, and to be worthy of the presence of those I see on rare and blessed occasions.

This is my encouragement to all of my Sisters in Christ: Remain strong in your faith, because your influence goes farther than you know. Though many of you do not interact with me directly or often, my respect and reverence for women has only increased as I have been here, that is nothing less than a testament to all of you being the women that Christ has called you to be. When you pull back the veil and let the light of Christ shine, it travels without limitations. I know that this light has fallen on me from you as an outlet. I know of its presence from the sweet harmonies you sing to the Lord, your generosity, your outpouring of the spirit in prayer, your concern for others, your simple acts of kindness, your words of encouragement, your patience, your quiet endurance. When that light is on display, I can only describe it in the inadequate medium of words as "awesome".

Thank You. I am honored to stand by you in the Lord's Kingdom, you beautiful Daughters of Christ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. If you can keep this mindset God will be able to trust you with a woman He has called to do incredible things...because you won't stifle that in her. Once again, you amaze me.