Sunday, March 2, 2008


I praised the Lord, that I, my brother Brian and my sister Liz have been proven worthy of persecution. Last night at Saturday Night Alive, my best friend Graham whom I loved betrayed us into the enemy's hands and had the church cast out Brian and Liz, and disallowed them from returning to SNA or Calvary baptist church. While I was not told to leave directly, I was removed by proxy because they knew that I loved Brian and Liz as I love myself, and they know that I would follow them out. I praise the Lord because the division between light and dark has begun, and people are being forced to choose a side; and I give glory to my Father in heaven because indeed those who were once lost in a grey fog are now coming towards His glorious Light and the plan He has in store for them and for this campus.

Revival is coming. What the enemy intended for evil, God has made turn to His good purpose. When the enemy struck out, he was deceived into thinking that he would have the victory; now the Lord will catch him in the trap He has set, because the actions of the enemy are rousing those who must be roused.

Revival is coming.


Matt & Bri said...

I guess I'm missing some of the story. Why would you be happy that these people got kicked out of the Church? I'm sure there is a good reason, but I don't quite get your whole blog here.

Paula said...

I'm with Matt and Bri.

David Hynes said...

It's called being handed a cross, folks. That only happens when you start doing what God wants you to do. Christ's burden is easy and light, but when you start to walk in the way that he presents, the world will hand you a cross to carry. Things are the same now as they were in Christ's time. There are those who are "religious authorities" and there are those who are lovers of God. If you don't think that the Church can become like the pharisees and start handing people crosses...

If you are wondering why I think it is good that people are kicked out, no it is not "good" in the general sense, because someone has allowed themselves to be used by an evil force. Yet, for Brian and Liz, they have received much treasure in heaven for having suffered for what they were instructed to do. You are going to have to put up with my lack of detail for now, sorry.

Deb said...

some day you will understand why he did what he did, david. you must stay true to the word and seek the truth for yourself.

David Hynes said...

Graham acted out of fear, and so are you by not choosing to tell me who you are. As a result, this note will be public. Graham, and those around him who did that evil work with him chose to operate in fear of anything BUT the Lord. Graham was afraid of a church split, and for some reason didn't think that betraying the entire leadership for his and a few other's personal crusade against Brian would cause a problem.

I do not know who you are, given that you are arguing that Graham had a legitimate reason for his evil work, then you are not zealous for the fear of the Lord at all, but under a false fear that keeps you from having a spine and not only sneaking along behind people as Graham did but hiding behind anonymity here with your Parthian Shot about Graham having good reasons to give in to satan's whispers.

Know this: Cowards have no part in the kingdom of heaven. I have repented for my cowardice in dealing with Graham; I should have been the first to hold him accountable (did I not pledge to him last summer that I would do so? oh, how I have failed Graham as a brother and a friend!), and I confessed my sin against him as a brother, a sin of inaction before ALL of the leadership and a few who were not.

It is high time that Graham, and those who foolishly followed him repent for the sin of casting out a brother unlawfully when he committed NO SIN against the community. Furthermore, those in leadership who saw signs of a problem in Graham and who were INFORMED that this event would come to pass if he remained unchecked must also repent as I did for not acting when they should have. There are few in the community at SNA and no one in leadership there who should not be repenting in one way or another for what has happened. Until there is repentance, SNA will wither and die on the inside like every other ministry that refused to acknowledge its sin.

There is no justification for fear in God's kingdom, except for the fear of the Lord, and few people, certainly not those who condemn people who are full of the Spirit, have that holy fear.

Furthermore, I wish to say that I have no ill feelings towards Graham, only deep pity and longing for him to be restored in soul, but I do have a distaste towards those who followed him and those who are so blind that they cannot see the wickedness in what he has done, and do not recognize the need for repentance. In many ways, those people other than Graham were far worse than he; they had a chance to see, but chose to walk in darkness regardless.

I hope that if you even had a small part in what happened or knew about it but did not tell anyone as you should have, that you have the sense to see what you have helped the enemy accomplish and repent of it. And if you did those things and have the gall to call yourself Brian's friend, then you had best call him and apologize for your part in this wickedness.

For you, brother, sister, whoever you are, I only have pity and a blessing for you of the mercy of Christ.
