Sunday, July 22, 2007

Paperwork Makes Me Want to Offer Up the University to the Lord...OT style.

I am now in a sea of college spawned paperwork. Also, I need to start looking at some possible scholarships...I'm probably too late for all of them, but I should at least know about them for next year. When it comes to getting scholarships, I really do suck. I'm very lazy. Part of it is because I loathe all the paperwork and hours of's annoying. I'd rather be living life, or even trimming the hedges than be scholarship hunting.

Amazingly, I went completely debt free my first year thanks to tireless efforts from my mother (love you, mummy!) and my Grandparents on both sides pitching in. But I can't rely on my mother bailing me out forever, and I need to become savvy at getting these scholarships, or to the loan sharks (aka banks/lending institutions) I go...

There is one Calvin and Hobbes comic where Calvin's dad is trying to teach him math. Calvin states that he'll just find a job that doesn't involve addition. Calvin's dad asks him what real job could possibly not involve math, to which Calvin replies, "I'll be a caveman!". Sometimes, I want to be a caveman...but I feel that through my college experience, God has been equipping me to do things in his name. I have learned so much in just one year, academically and spiritually. If I have to, I'll take out loans, but whatever I do, I plan on finishing.

Even if it means I have to suffer through this insufferable paper work to do so.


Anonymous said...

Do you have any friends on scholarship that are good at researching/applying, etc? Sometimes just feeling like someone is with you helps a lot. And if someone you know already has info that could prove valuable to you..bonus! I envy you..I haven't been to college yet but I too dred the idea of filling out the paperwork even though I know I qualify for grants. I find that in my world of many necessary things that should be done daily I often have little to no motivation and I have to ask God to give me some. Once I ask a few times and do it anyway I end up at some point realizing that over time it becomes effortless. I consider this His grace. I send up a prayer for you, my brother, and you pull yourself through this deep mud puddle. Keep on keepin on.

Anonymous said...

If you haven't gone and plan on it, don't wait too long. A lot of grants have age cut-offs.

Anonymous said...

Well, let me put on my reading glasses and grab my cane so I can hobble my geriatric behind over to the computer and check it out. The grant I was looking at is a Pell Grant and unless they've changed the rules my aunt got her degree on one when she was 50. I'm not quite that old yet...but thanks for the info. LOL

David said...

Hey, I'm just saying. Now is the time to act; don't wait, procrastinate, or give into fears. Some people do that, and their whole life is thrown off because of it.