Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Minor Detail...

I led my first worship last night! Woohoo! Me and Joey both carried the day. The enemy doesn't stand a chance when we're both there, praisin' our hearts out!

...of course, Joey is a much more competent guitarrador than I am, but still, I was pleased to finally show the world (well Monday night worship and prayer group, anyway) what it might sound like if a drunk orangutang was given a guitar and some worship songs!

I played Lord I Lift Your Name on High, Amazing Grace, and...golly, what was that other one [Create In Me A Clean Heart]? Well a third song that I like :D .When my vast library of 3 songs was exhausted, Joey picked up the slack and carried on. It was really good.

And in case you're wondering, I didn't look at all like I did on the picture below.


Snoyarc said...

P&W with a rock beat is fun though! hehe... Rock it for Jesus!

David said...

Create in Me a Clean Heart! That was the other one.

I'll have to play it with the electric some time.

Anonymous said...

Are you involved in a campus ministry? I used to be a leader for Word of Life's campus ministry and it was awesome! I didn't attend U of D but I was college aged so they put me with that group. We saw God move in some pretty cool ways there.
And..um..what's wrong with how you looked in the pic? King David was a man after God's own heart and he jumped, ran, and played with wreckless abandonment in worship when the ark was being brought back. As long as you are doing it for God..(and not causing someone else to sin while doing it)it's all good.

David said...

I'll have to do it in a linen ephod like David did...

I guess you could say I'm an up-and-coming, fresh out of freshman year IV leader (which means they don't trust me enough with the big stuff, which is understandable). I'm currently leading IV Summer small groups (ironically, we just got done studying 2 Samuel chapter 6, the chapter you referenced to).

I am also beginning to become intimately involved with an unofficial group called Saturday Night Alive, a local, student made, and usually student led church service/group. I have recently begun to offer my services as a sort of..."Prayer Dude" as I have labeled the position: They call people to come up for prayer, and I pray for them.

I want to start getting involved in IV and SNA worship, but frankly I'm not good enough for that. I have started to practice more earnestly, but I think it will take some time for me to be at that level. I only have time for so much, and I'm afraid that practicing for either worship group may not be one of these things I have time for. Time will tell.

What I meant by "I didn't look like that" wasn't a comment of shame, I was merely saying that I wasn't as cool or manly looking, but hunched over and desperately trying (and failing about 2/3 of the time) to hit the chords right, while also trying to sing.

My inability to play completely coherently has convicted me to practice more and stop wasting my time with stupid things. This is the Lord we're talking about here. I should be like David, playing before him with all my might...this calls for another blog entry!

Anonymous said...

Hi David, your blog looks good. I think that the pic of u that u gave me would look good on here what do u think? I could scan and Email it back to u, let me know. PENGUINS UNITE!!! :)

David said...


And you are who I think you are, know this: Cease your little software insurrection and join the Collective. We have Cookies ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh...ok..I thought you were saying that you should be more...ah.hem...proper or something for worship. Obviously there is nothing to be ashamed of in that pic. So..right on. We're on the same page there. It's very cool that you were willing to get up there and lead when you're not a pro yet. God honors that. How many people don't serve because of insecurity? Countless, I'm sure.
Question..how do YOU know Rachel?

David said...

I don't remember, honestly. We started communicating via the internet at some point, and then we wound up confessing all kind of things to each other, and giving each other advice and stuff like that, praying for each other. I've only physically met Rachel once, at a BVBC Thanksgiving dinner, but I know her better than some of her family probably does (and vice versa). The internet has an interesting quality of allowing people to be open and honest with less of a chance of being humiliated or awkward. A lot of the social boundaries that would normally be in place do not exist. Hence, divorced a mother of three in the middle of her career is able to become good friends with a fresh-faced college student who doesn't even know what God's doing with his life yet.

Snoyarc said...

Hey David,

We met after I posted a prayer request through Kairos... you responded, said you felt God leading you to talk with me about the request, and it somehow morphed into a weird and twisted friendship that works for us... you've seen me face to face more than just that once, you just didn't realize it... I've been to other Kairos activities where you've been involved and I've also been to the evening service when you're there, but because of the nature of our friendship, I respect your wish of annonymity and pretend I don't see you... but you're right, Thanksgiving was when we "officially" met.

Hugs & Love

David said...

Well, next time you see, me, say hi.

I am sorry that you feel our friendshiip is "twisted". I wasn't aware that confession and thoughtful interaction between two people was a twisted thing.

I wanted anonymity for two reasons: Out of fear, and because I didn't want to know the person you liked. As I have already told you, given his behavior, I didn't want to meet him because I didn't want to instantly dislike someone, but I am over all that now. If you want to say hello, feel free. And don't feel bad if I overlook you; I do that a lot, sometimes to people I know, and not intentionally.

Anonymous said...

I also met Rachel through the internet. In a new mom's bulletin board when she was pregnant with Alyssa. My daughter was 10 months old and now she's 8 so ...wow..I didn't realize we'd been friends that long. That's cool..it's interesting to know how people get hooked up...or should I say the instruments God uses to cross their paths. Are you from Delaware or are you just there for school?

Snoyarc said...

Hi David, text conversations don't leave a lot to be desired sometimes... I was being playful by calling it twisted, we've had some pretty off the wall conversations in the time I've known you as well as a lot of really cool ones and a lot of really important ones... and I value all of them just as I value you, my dear brother in Christ (see, I can call YOU a brother because you're WAY too young for me)

Hugs & Love

Snoyarc said...

Wow, Joanne, I hadn't realized it was so long either... Alyssa is 7½ now... yikes, where does the time go... these babies are growing up WAY too fast!

Hope you make it up here to get together again soon... I don't have any way of getting down there :(

Hugs & Love

David said...

I think you mean "text conversations leave a lot to be desired" :) . I get you now, we have had some off the wall conversations, but "twisted" was not an apt word for them :) .

To answer Joanne's question, I'm from Wilmington, born and raised.

Snoyarc said...

There was a 7 year old pulling on my arm when I was typing and redirecting my train of thought repeatedly... sorry about that... but yeah, the off the wall discussions are what I meant by twisted... warped perhaps... I can't be normal, heck, look at the titles on my blog and you'll see normal is not me!

Luv you!

David said...

*Imagines Rachel fighting off kids while typing* "Go make your own food! Mommy is busy blogging now!" :D

Normal is a very subjective term, Rachel. In many ways, your life is 'normal' and in others, it is not. If you and I have things in common to talk about, that makes you 'normal' in one sense.

Snoyarc said...

"Normal" is just a statistical average... I'm not normal, I'm the most unique Rachel on the planet... God didn't make anyone else like me, He only made me... although at times my 7 year old makes me want to kill her because she's got my sense of humor already... geesh! But that's a different topic entirely.

Read your email and my blog... you'll see where I am as far as what I need prayer for.

Hugs & Love