Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Being a Christian is Hard

This whole "love everybody" thing is difficult. I now have so many people I know that it's crazy. At least to me. I find it dificult to keep up with them all. Let alone keep some of them in prayer. I barely pray as it is.

Know this: If I'm praying for you, I really must care a lot, because praying solo is hard for me. IN groups? Not a problem. The Holy Spirit is so much more potent in groups, I barely have to make any effort. But when I pray alone, my mind wanders badly. I'll literally drift off to sleep mid-prayer if I'm praying in bed.

I have a pretty heavy prayer burden this week, or at least heavy for me. Liz, Joey, Mark, Adam, Jess, Jen, Lindsay, Virginia, Graham, Ben, Rachel (yes, you Rachel), Taka, Ishmael, Rebecca (the woman Graham is trying to witness to), My mother, this woman in a coma who a friend of mine needs me to pray for, and last but not least, myself, who I rarely pray for. And anyone else the Lord puts on my heart.

I need to learn how to pray constantly, at any time in the day, so that I will be able to pray for all this.


Anonymous said...
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David said...

Oh yeah, and for my Dad & Robin, too. Once you start digging up the people you care about, it's an almost never ending list!

Snoyarc said...

It's a good thing the list is so long... means there are a lot of people to care about and a lot of people who care about you and trust you enough to share their burdens with you.

I'm grateful to be on that list, thank you... not sure why you said "yes you" but thanks anyway. :P

David said...

Had to make it clear you were the one being prayed for.

Snoyarc said...

Didn't want me to assume it was a different Rachel? I could have been wrong you know! I'm guessing my kiddies are part of praying for Rachel, aren't they?


David said...

I don't pray for them directly unless you have a specific request. Mostly because I figure praying for you will most likely help to fix their problem (not that you ARE the problem, but that a Rachel with God on her side can do an even better job fixing it...). And also because I don't know them like I know you, so it is easy to forget them. I have to confess that I do not even know their names...I know that they sometimes say cute stuff like "Mommy, you have to take a break from that!" :D

David said...

This is a perfect example of what I mean by this blog entry, really: I don't know/see your kids, and so how easy is it for me to neglect to pray for people who are so critical to you?

Snoyarc said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. If you want to remember what/who to pray for, make a list... I have to do it, otherwise EVERYONE falls off of it and I only pray for myself (reminds me, I need to update my list... anyone want to be on it or have any specific requests?)

I pray for you, and know your mother is important to you, and potential girlfriends, and everything else... yet I don't pray for the girlfriends who are potentials, I pray for your success in finding the right relationship, and generically for your family instead of your mom specifically (fortunately she doesn't know me and won't get offended by that). I do pray for your dad though... in the specific way you requested.

Hugs & Love