Friday, July 20, 2007

Battle Favors the Prepared

The past few weeks, I've had my eye open for good locations to take theoretical girlfriend who certainly does not exist. Being a bit of a romantic and someone who loves the outdoors, I've been noting beautiful places outdoors where we could meet and have picnics and such. It's kind of fun, acually, coming up with ideas for dates (even if you don't have someone to take them on). It's also challenging to find good ideas when you have a low budget and no car.

I also need to practice some good songs I can sing to the theoretical girlfriend who certainly does not exist. "Something" by the Beatles comes to mind. Also, "From the Beginning" by Emerson, Lake and Palmer.

My only problem is that these types of things I think of aren't really "first date" kind of things, they're more "ninth or tenth date" kind of things, when the relationship is more developed. The first few dates are going to be hard...I don't want to do anything too cheap, but don't exactly want to do a meal at Le Bec Fin, either. Nor do I want to do something SUPER fun...that sounds counter-productive, but why show my hand so early?

I think I've got it:

-Introductory Dates: 1 & 2 Probably just meals and talking (not that others won't include this, but these will be more "screening" dates, I guess, just to ensure my hunch that I'd like her in a more romantic sense were correct)

-"Keep Her Interested/Start Bonding via adventures" Dates: 3-5 do fun & exciting things to make her more interested, and to show that I'm not a bore...and to help us get closer.

-Late stage dates : Hopefully by this point, I won't have to jump through flaming hoops to keep her around (like on dates 3-5), she should like me enough that me being me will be the big draw, not what we're doing (and vice versa). This means romantic stuff, like cooking meals, picnics, watching the stars, and serenades. Not that I plan on stopping with the "Fun and exciting" dates, but they shouldn't be completely necessarry by now.


Paula said...

You are so overthinking this. For a first date, ask her what she would like to do. With any luck, she'll do all the work for you. If she says, "I don't know . . . what do you want to do?" Suggest something low key and reasonably inexpensive like coffee at Starbucks. You should never spend a load of money on a first date. She will feel very uncomfortable. Second and third dates can involve more significant interaction such as miniature golf, local community festivals, actual dinner's at somewhere like Macaroni Grill, etc.

Anonymous said... you get your chance to bug me on my blog :D .

Anonymous said...

Actually, I was thinking Panera as a first date. And of course, I would pay...I'm old fashioned like that.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say that you really are quite a romantic. I never knew guys put that much thought into dating. I think it's nice that you are thinking ahead...nothing wrong with that. Thoughtful gestures are much more meaningful than just something thrown together last minute. My first date with my husband was on the Dover Air Force Base to see the C5! He was a loadmaster and knew the plane inside and out. I should of known then our lives would be one lesson after another! LOL JK...but was great because it was something not everyone could invite me to do. your quest to be fun-loving you might wanna think of something specific to you that would also interest her.

David said...

Well, I know that the current girl I have my eye on enjoys adventures, so I was thinking more along the lines of bike riding to places and stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought. The Hagley Museum runs along the Brandywine River and has some really beautiful and historical spots. Not sure if you can bike there's an adventure.

Snoyarc said...

Hi David, I agree with Joanne and I agree with Paula... you're overthinking this but doing a great job at it! You're right to not put too much "romance" into the first few dates, but at the same time, are you aware that going to a grocery store, picking up what you need for a meal and going back to one of your homes and preparing it together counts as a date? How about just taking an evening stroll through campus as a study break... much needed and all the more appreciated because of the company. David you are such a good kid, and any girl would be lucky to be with you... I mean it, I've found myself wishing a few times that I were 10 years younger! hehe...

You don't really need to have a set timeframe for things either (date 1 & 2 = X) sometimes the opportunity for date 5 might come along with date 1 timing... roll with it, and have fun.

Hugs & Love

PS Hagley is only $1 admission on Saturdays in July and August... just in case you wanted that little help on the financial end of things.

David said...

What is it with you people and Hagley museum :P ?

It's a looong way from campus.

Unless I take camping gear, a trip to Hagley isn't happening. It'd be one hell of a bike ride!

David said...

"I've found myself wishing a few times that I were 10 years younger! hehe..."

I get that all the time...why is it you can see what women my age can't?

Snoyarc said...

because I'm more mature, I know what matters in a person, I know the heart of the type of man I need in my life... girls your age are all too often wrapped up in the wrong things... just like most guys your age... sad fact of life, you're still "kids" in so many ways, then we find one (like you) ready to be an adult but unable because peers just are too immature to allow it.


David said...

Woah...thank you for that. I've felt that way for's why I disengaged myself from people my age for so long, Rachel...because that's EXACTLY how I felt, I was ready and no one else was. You really hit the nailon the head there.

But I've met so many Christians here at UD who, unlike a lot of people, ar eready to do that. I think this is what has gotten me back into people my age again; signs that people want to be adults now.

Finding girls my age who also want to grow up is very hard. But it's certainly worth the effort!