At the Lakeland FL revival that I was at recently, Todd had a word of knowledge about Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. If I am not mistaken, they have since talked on the phone together, but this is the only thing I could scrounge up at the moment:
“Last night Todd made a strong statement about Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. Yes, you heard me right. I was so shocked by the detail that I wrote down exactly what Todd said and the time he said it. At 8:55 Eastern Standard Time on 5/1/2008, Todd gave a word of knowledge that Keith was watching the revival from a borough of London and that he was wearing a maroon colored shirt. He said that he was caught up in the worship and something about God reaching out to him. It was definitely a step out on the water, if you know what I mean. This should be something that can eventually be independently verified as being true or false.”\
I received a comment from Hannah today stating this:
“Todd actually followed up on the Keith Richards thing last night (May 2). A Hollywood director called Todd and told him that Keith WAS watching the night that Todd gave the word of knowldge…because Keith called her and told her (the Hollywood director) that he had just heard Todd Bentley talking about him.”
I mean, seriously. Keith Freaking Richards. Do you know how awesome it would be if he got saved? A friend of mine from VCF, Melissa, thinks that Ozzy Ozbourne and Eminem are going to get saved. Honestly, I have a feeling they will.
Hey David!
I am amazed at how open you have become again to these types of never denied that God could do this just seemed like you pushed them to the side to seek out the foundational stuff..nothing wrong with that. Thanks for sharing's awesome.
My uncle had a word of knowledge once for Bette Midler...and he didn't know who she was..but he prayed for her and read soon after that she had gotten saved.
Personally...I'm believing for Marilyn Manson to get saved.
I have come a very long way from the previous times you posted... when I was young, my mother and father were divorced and sooner (my dad) or later (my mom and I) left a church that was full of the spirit and a hunger for God and the things of God.
I have gone through many wild places and have found hospitality in those wild places, but was fed things which would not be helpful in getting me out of those woods and into free places.
Now I have come full circle, and I am coming home to join "The Weirdos In The Woods" (as NCF was affectionately named). There is so much right about this... I have been talking to Neil and will be joining the church shortly. I am thankful for the other places I have been (BVBC, BRV) but ultimately this is where I came form and this is where I belong.
In many ways I have become polarized; formerly I fell prey to seccationism, but now I am very opposed to it.
When God smashes your don't go back. You can't go back. You would have to be utterly insane to deny your experience, and to deny that God is both real, active, and relevant today. And weird :) . And not always "in decency and order."
It's like Kris Vallotton says- " 'Things have to be done decently and in order.' Well how many of you know that things have to get DONE!? You don't need to organize anything that's not happening!"
Yay!!!! I love Neil! He's been such an instrument of healing in my life and I am (sorry) jealous of you!! I would give almost anything to be at NCF!!
I will be "set in" at the kinship group I go to on Thursday with my friend Mallory and will go before the whole church with Mallory, Melissa, and Melissa's's really crazy, basically half of our fellowship all of the sudden became members...
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