Friday, August 3, 2007

Writing Music

Sometimes, I feel the urge to write music and lyrics to them. Recently, I have started writing a song about a person who was a Christian, but was "backslidden" (what conventient and vicious labels we slap onto people, and with such eagerness do we do it!), and repulsed by the hypocrisy of people who, as the famous quote goes "Declared Jesus' salvation by their lips, but went out and denied him by their lifestyle." It is a song that talks about what has been done to them, from their perspective.

I am advanced enough in my walk with Christ that I know how to forgive and remember that no matter what CHRISTIANS do, CHRIST is what matters above all, my relationship with Him and represenation of Him on Earth is what matters. Sometimes, I expereince behavior from my Christian brothers and sisters which, if i were not as strong in the faith as I am, would drive me away. The song I wrote is not happy, and it's not nice, but I feel that it's a necessary song to write. We have to be so careful how we treat people. Those who would have ordinarily been great workers in the Lord's Kingdom and fellow partakers of the promised paradise have been driven off by harsh words, uncaring actions and unloving attitudes of disrespect and iniquity.

Sometimes, it's not a matter of who is RIGHT and who is WRONG. It is a matter of WHO LOVES as Christ loved. Love is not merely something that drives you to tell others the Truth. Love is what makes you want to tell the Truth, and tell it in a way which meets that person where they are, and in the way they must be told which will not be destructive. I can't tell everyone the Truth the same way. True Love will drive out wrongs by its very nature. Loving God by obeying how he has asked us to behave, and loving our fellow humans by treating them as God would is the way. Is the Christ's way.

"If I speak the Gospel, but not in love, I am a clanging gong, a resounding cymbal" -Paul

This is a song about the clanging gongs of our faith, and the consequences of what they do....I'll post it when I'm finished writing it.


Anonymous said...

Hi David! Kudos on this one. Because of the standard Christ sets for us (to be like Him) we expect more from fellow Christians and it somehow cuts people deeper when the damage is caused by them. I have always said that our job is to reflect God's heart toward others..not our own...otherwise we misrepresent Him. It really burns my butt when people are hurt uneccesarily by people who are supposed to be loving. But then I've also experienced times when people got pissed because they didn't want to hear what was being said in love. Sometimes it's their issues that they filter through that cause them not to be able to receive things said in love. When I was a new Christian..I used to be that way. If you read my recent blog you'll see what I'm talking about. I can't wait to see the song when you're done.

David said...

You are right, some people don't want to hear the Truth told in love. In this person's case, however, the offending Christian is to blame. I certainly don't put all of the blame on the Christians. I have told some people the truth in love, they they still want to have their fingers stuck in their ears, and that is their business, sadly.

For the rest of them who were genuinely hurt, this song is for those people.

Snoyarc said...

I hate admitting it, I stayed away for Christians for a LONG time because of the way they treated me... there was no love... just condemnation.

To this day, because of my past, I still face it often. A lack of acceptance or understanding can often put people off from God... we need to love those who have less than ideal situations in life.

Hugs & Love

David said...

There are so many different ways Christians have messed people up...I think that when the tally is done, we will come out on top as having had a positive impact more than a negative one. Sometimes, it is easy to get down on Christians...I think we really do so much more than others, though. Whatever damage Christians have done by not acting as they were supposed to, the world has done a thousand times as much for being the way it is.