Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hope From A Friend

A college friend of mine who shares similar semi-awkward, geeky/nerdy traits and is generally a shy and un-socialble but deep and spiritually rich person has recently acquired a significant other (as in, in the past week or so)...I actually really feel happy for him, I'm not jealous at all. NO, seriously though, I don't :D .

If you are reading this blog, you know who you are...go, man! And go knowing that you bring hope to all shy, awkward and socially inept men!


Snoyarc said...

Way to go whoever you are! Now, how to get the shy geeky socially inept men I'm interested in to ask me out?!?!?!?!?!?!? Stinks being single!

Hugs & Love

David said...

If I recall correctly, both kept hanging out together often and then kind of at once, they said "I kind of like you..."

Both had never dated before, so they are both going through the interesting fumble in the dark that is one's first romantic relationship. Of course, neither would label it as such, but that's what it is...

Both are involved in ministry of one kind or another, and they both agreed that if the relationship got in the way of what God had called them to do, it would be called off. So far so good!

Really rachel, it does kind of come down to the guy. Yours never said anything...and as far as I know, my friends never did anything more intimate or different than you, just hanging out and talking...

Snoyarc said...

yes but really here, who wants to be in a holding pattern forever and a day? that's where I am, so common geeks that like me, I'm geek friendly here... admit your interest! LOL

I'm too old to sit around only "hanging out" on occasion with no one telling me how they feel about me, it's just not fair!

Okay, I'm in a ranting and raving mood today... but still happy for your friend!

Hugs & Love

David said...

Well, yours was a special case, Rachel...I hope. Besides, aren't you in a relationship now anyway..?

Snoyarc said...

no, I'm not... we tried to give it a go, but he isn't ready for a relationship and is still hurting from a previous one, so we ended it while we can remain friends... and before I have any real connection to worry about my own "rebound" issue...

I'm painfully, woefully, pitifully single... *sigh* God has a man for me right?

My holding pattern is waiting... there are 3 men I know of who are interested and none will ask me out, and there are 2 or three others who MIGHT be interested but cover it up better than the others, but still won't act on it... face it, if you saw my one holding pattern (which is NOT getting posted or I'll be very upset) and were interested in me would you even try to come near me?

Hugs & Love

David said...

No. I would have assumed you were already in a relationship.

So...are these three other people aware that you are single, or is there still a reason for them to believe you're not?

Snoyarc said...

I never said these three were "other" lol... there's holding pattern number one... the one that isn't ready, and one that shows a smidge more interest than your average guy... then there are the 2 or three others who I'm not so certain about... holding pattern one and the one that isn't ready are sure things though wouldn't you think?

But like you, all guys assume that holding pattern number one is a relationship and even if I tell them otherwise they don't seem to believe it. :(

Hugs & Love

David said...

Maybe you could tatoo "single" on your forehead? And wear t-shirts and pants that say "single" on them, too?

...nah, they probably would still think you were taken. 90% of the problem for Christian guys seems to be stepping up and telling somebody they like them romantically. Or, they act ambiguous and you have no clue what the heck is going on.

Snoyarc said...

Yeah, that's pretty much my experience in a nutshell... and I'm also noticing that men, in general, not all by any stretch though, will try to get a relationship without a committment. They will go on dates for lack of a better description, no kissing or hugging necessarily, but they'll say "just friends" get their feel good "date" or "being seen with a good lookin woman" fix and then put you on the shelf again until they need their next fix... it's a little nuts.

And you're right, I could go up to a guy, say "I'm single and I would really like it if you'd ask me on a date" and I think they'd still be too shy to do it.

Hugs & Love

David said...

*groan* I think I'm in a situation that's almost exactly what yours is...this is ridiculous. The girl I like is waiting on this one guy to get his act together...I'm almost sure it's a replica of your situation, except that I'm the 3rd person and I'M not afraid to say what I think, but I've never been given the chance (because she's waiting on this guy).

Snoyarc said...

Don't wait, make the move... it will at least get her thinking in a new direction... after all, I DID try to date the 3rd person remember? The timing wasn't right for either of us, that's all.

Hugs & Love

David said...

When am I suppposed to do that? I can't seem to catch her alone. I'm also trying to go through my head about the probably inevitable "I like someone else" response. Because somebody else asked her out and got the same response. And I am willing to bet that this "someone else" is the holding pattern guy. How do I convince her to break out of that without essentially bashing the guy who doesn't want to grow up? Or should I even try to convince her to drop her thing for this person? Is that right?

Saying "it isn't worth it to wait for him" is really hard to do in a way that is humble. Of course I think I'm the better man. Duh. But how do I do that without sounding like a jerk? I don't think it's possible...I'll have to pray.

Snoyarc said...

praying is good...

letting her know without telling her that you're interested is equally good...

give her reasons to start thinking differently and she might just break out of that holding pattern on her own.

Hugs & Love

Lissie Ann said...

well... this is an interesting blog. i'm glad you feel hope from the amazing (i'm being sarcastic) story of Grahams and Deborah's relationship. I'm just kidding my dear. Its a funny story, don't you think? Maybe not... there is hope for us... umm... "single" people yet!!! LUV YA!!!