Tuesday, July 31, 2007

God's Gift to Women, Literally?

Interestingly, my mom sent me an email recently about being a blessing in the lives of others, specifically women. It is her hope that unlike so many men she has encountered, I would be a blessing to women and know how to treat them right.

Some women are easy to love. Sometimes, it's hard to be a blessing to difficult people, women or not. Interestingly, and maybe this is absolutely wrong, but I have found that I have more in common with women, not less as I have gotten to know some of them. We may not express it in the same way, or arrive there in the same way, but there it is.

I think that I have blessed the lives of some women, and I don't think I have hurt or offended too many in my life, at least in the realm of college and this new chapter of my life.


Snoyarc said...

Hi David, to be honest, I've always thought that it's weird that people don't think men and women should be friends with each other... if you think about it, God designed us to compliment each other, women to have strengths in areas men are weak and men to be strong in areas where women are weak. Marriages are to be between two people who love and trust each other so much that they can't help being best friends also... so why then would we assume that women should relate better to a woman and men better to a man when we are ultimately designed to have a person of an opposite gender as our best friend and companion?

I've always had more male friends than female friends, and even though I've always wanted a really close girlfriend to talk with and spend time with, I don't mind that the majority of my friends are male. God designed me to interact with men on a more personal level than he designed me to interact with women, so why shouldn't I? No, that doesn't mean that I'm going clothing shopping with the guys... although there have been times I've done that in a pinch, but it means that I have very close and satisfying relationships and friendships with my male friends that I don't usually get with my women friends.

Point of all this, male or female, there are hard people to love and easy people to love, there are people whom you will "click" with instantly and those you will never make a connection with at all... as long as you act as Christ's ambassador while with all of them, you will be fine!

As for blessing the lives of some women... I can say you have indeed touched mine. It has been an honor to be counted as one of your female friends!

Anonymous said...

I think that you have to be careful, David. Especially on campus you will run into girls, Christian and non-christian, who are hungry for male approval. You can be used by God to bless them and help them see their worth but beware them becoming codependant. There are so many young girls who didn't have a dad, or had one who didn't validate them. There will be even more who have been in relationships that made them feel horrible about themselves. You don't have to take on the weight of all of this. Only God can bring healing and wholeness into those places. But you can facilitate that healing by being a blessing. In everyone's lives there are times when we remember the words of someone kind and it changed us forever. We can be that kind of person just by choosing to. From the little bit I know of you...it seems to me that it wouldn't be difficult for you at all to be a blessing to women. But keep this in mind...within everyone's life there is a God-given realm of responsibility. The people God has placed in your realm will bare fruit both from you and you from them. Those that seem to be a nightmare..probably aren't in your realm..but they are in someone else's so you don't have to feel guilty to let them go.

David said...

"You can be used by God to bless them and help them see their worth but beware them becoming codependant. There are so many young girls who didn't have a dad, or had one who didn't validate them. There will be even more who have been in relationships that made them feel horrible about themselves."

I have had one person I've had to help who was like this, but I don't think there is any codependency problem with ME, but with another guy...

Anonymous said...

Good to know...as long as you're aware of it you can keep it from happening. Good job. (patting you on the back)